Neural Networks note
1.Is KL divergence same as cross entropy for image classification?
In Image classification, we use one-hot encoding for our labels. Therefore, when y_i is the actual label, it equals 1 → log (1) = 0, and the whole term is cancelled. When y_i is not the correct label, it equals 0 and the whole term is also cancelled out.
Therefore, KL divergence = Cross Entropy in image classification tasks
2.Why cross entropy comes in hand with Softmax layer?
Why we need to use softmax function after cross entropy?
Because thecross entropy loss takes the logatithm of the probability. So in order to compute an efficient logarithm, we need to have a probability distribution that sums up to 1.
3.Contractive loss
- Contrastive Loss is a distance-based Loss function (as opposed to prediction error-based losses like cross entropy) used to learn discriminative features for images.
- Like any distance-based loss, it tries to ensure that semantically similar examples are embedded close together. It is calculated on Pairs
- This loss measures the similarity between two inputs.
- Each sample is composed of two images (positive pairs or negative pairs). Our goal is to maximize the distance between negative pairs and minimize the distance between *positive pairs*.
- We want small distance between the positive pairs (because they are similar images/inputs), and great distance than some margin m for negative pairs.
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